

Rajamani Ayyer is a multi-instrumentalist, music composer and producer from Bhopal, India and currently living in Bangalore. Started playing Keyboard in 2013, he picked up Guitar, drums, bass and learnt music production in later years and released his first song Thoughts in solace in 2021 which is an orchestral ballad. Since then, he has released nine songs with orchestral, electronic and metal elements. Recently, Rajamani released his debut EP with four new songs on 15th March. Outside solo work, Rajamani is the founder and frontman of the Heavy/Thrash metal band called Mani_ac, who are currently working on their debut album.

Rajamani strives to compose soundtracks and scores for films and video games, following down the lines of some of his greatest inspirations Hans Zimmer, Mick Gordon, Lorne Balfe, Yuka Kitamura and many more.



"Bhopal-bred multi-instrumentalist, composer-producer and vocalist Rajamani Ayyer is now out with his debut EP, the four-track Mayhem. The record features a dystopian soundscape with plenty of tension building up as the tracks progress, before we hear fiery riffs on the title track. The EP then closes out with a ballad called 'Elegy'". - RollingStone India

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